What Would The World Look Like After Corona Virus, Economically, Politically And Socially ?

Paris is not so romantic anymore. Is it ? Manhattan sleeps very early now. Doesn’t it ? Giving hugs and kisses is considered a sign of ignorance now. Isnt it ? Sitting near your grandparents is looked upon as a risk towards them. Right ? Well I read this somewhere today or something similar to it and it imprinted in my mind forever. The world has run out of gas, it feels like, and even that on a deserted highway millions of miles away from a gas station. CoronaVirus has gripped our lives. We woke up in 2020 like we … Continue reading What Would The World Look Like After Corona Virus, Economically, Politically And Socially ?

Want To Live Long? 256-Year-Old Man Reveals His Tips For Longevity Before Dying |Haz | The Coverage

People tell you that eating vegetables will lead to a longer life. This man took it to another level: he eats nothing else outside of he shou wu, lingzhi, goji berry, rice wine, gotu kola and wild ginseng. Read More > The … Continue reading Want To Live Long? 256-Year-Old Man Reveals His Tips For Longevity Before Dying |Haz | The Coverage